June 13th, 2014

Moe Yousuf, Lead Artist for the TMT Lab show XOXO I.B. Singer took a moment from last-minute preparations for the show to share some thoughts.

TMT: In choosing source material in the Yiddish cannon, what drew you to I.B. Singer, the 1978 Nobel Prize winner in Literature?

MY: John Del Gaudio [Target Margin’s Artistic Producer and curator of the Lab]. While I was looking for inspiration he forwarded me a Singer story called “Androgynous” back in September. I really can’t remember much about it now expect the title but trust me John Del Gaudio is to blame for all of this.

TMT: What was your initial goal for the material and did that change as you went through the creative process?

MY: My goal was to not bore people and to do as little writing myself as possible. So I just bookmarked and read and pulled as much as could from Singer’s writing and other people’s writing about him until I felt like I had enough to tell a story.

TMT: You list no fewer than 16 additional sources for your show. At what point did you incorporate other source material into your piece and why?

MY: I really don’t remember. I do know I would distract myself constantly by watching videos of light bulbs exploding in slow motion, Jewish weddings, and pop renditions of Kabbalah verses. At some point the distractions became as important as Singer’s text and I started to incorporate them.

TMT: What do you think Singer has to say to us in 2014?

MY: I think he’d be too busy chasing girls around to have time for an interview.

Just 4 more chances to see XOXO I.B. Singer, showing as a double bill with What Happens when a Man Lives Alone. Friday and Saturday, June 13 and 14, 7:30 and 9:30. Tickets here.