May 1st, 2013

Dylan Jarrett was born in Bergen County, NJ and spent her formative years distressingly far away from NYC on the New York-Canada border in a town called Ogdensburg. She is about to enter her senior year at NYU, where she is majoring in dramatic literature with a minor in creative writing.

Looking for internships for the first time can be a daunting experience, especially in the theatre community. There seems to be both an overwhelming amount of positions to apply for as well as a total lack of jobs you seem right for. So when I decided it was finally time to go out and get some real life experience, I was nervous, to say the least. But when I stumbled upon Target Margin, a company spending a season on Yiddish theatre that was looking for a spring office intern, I knew this was where I wanted to spend my spring semester. I immediately sent in my application and within a few short weeks became TMT’s newest intern.

Part of why I was so eager to work with TMT was its connection to Yiddish theatre and its spring production of Peretz Hirschbein’s The (*) Inn. My great-grandmother, who immigrated to New York in the late 1910s, was an actress in the Yiddish theatre. After reading her journals about her life in the theatre, I felt like I needed to know more about her world. Completely coincidentally, TMT provided me with that opportunity.

However, my experience with TMT has been so much more than just that. I’ve gotten to do so much while I’ve been here, everything from addressing thank you letters to sitting in on rehearsals to helping with set load-in. As a student who wants to work in theatre but is unsure doing specifically what, this incredible variety has given me a taste of a dozen different potential jobs and has been more helpful (and fun!) than I can express.

But what has really made my time at TMT so rewarding is the people. Since this is such a small and personal company, I’ve gotten to know so many amazing individuals. In addition to the constant stream of cast and crew that keep this company running (all of who are fantastic), Moe and John run a tight ship here in the office while still being two of the friendliest people you’ll ever meet. David Herskovits, our artistic director, is incredible to work with. In addition to being a brilliant director and artistic director, he’ll go out of his way to make the people he works with feel involved and appreciated and I cannot thank him (and Moe and John and everyone else) enough for making my experience with TMT so incredible.